Pursat: report two Pursat data we know today merchants chheubranet named Ibrahim and stock History Domestic plants Kiri Battambanggold named lands officer Lake South Inspectorate, Who is behind these names from above (Hy) came chheubranet Group sex bumpy Mount measure 6 and Da town lease rtihkrabei delivering port when scaring Long collective long trunk it go out in the Pakistani town porch And San town planet Bakan region, Pursat territory and transported via auto Dung Swedish auto Nissan auto shaft or y Korea went mountain Full length through Village Bakan way Roosevelt five Through Lake handbook or from a ship, through the town patio Genesis crease Chek port Thursday ttea Street nhnhie or nutsedge Road Five Toward the city.
Report uncovered that Traffic in the provincial extravagance traders gathering wood neangnuon just 1 metr_treikoun $ 1 billion U.s. Cost neangnuon 1 3 85 thousand riel And lease rtihkrabei take more or less 4 phlan., Shipping time up to 10 trucks And 1 auto trucks are paid To fit up to about 10 Ensuring gifted officer might be Hout Bun Nol Deputy Forest shrouded gold 20 thousand riel 1 truck officer positioned at 07 Chinese mountain shout 3 Riels officer positioned at the Family 4 Riels Dara Zone 5 officers positioned in Hidden gold with 10 officer Riels Touch de positioned at 07 3 Riels fighters Management Zone 20 territories youngsters 18 3 Riels Individual League Building positioned in the storage compartment 2 thousand Kiri environment Building positioned in 2 Riels Total in a truck is guaranteeing the aptitudes and pertinent Nearly 50 thousand USD.
May as well remind that in zones along two District Veal from Da outskirts Thailand to Road 5 Pursat Prevention see the important powers have the aptitudes and capability stations As snails, while the Broker business chheubranet undertake different types of vehicles Still act modus very rompheuy. Due intrigue saisaamnauk_saukban Between law requirement authorities and important developments blue letters above baekaphleung Dividend execution sparkles a respectable and not split Regardless of the enthusiastic misfortune of regular assets who self-rescuers Who decimated themselves.